Hello, fellow humans! You’re reading the last (at least for now) in our limited...
Year: 2023
The procedure of electrified NOx storage–reduction. Credit: NIMTE Prof. Zhang Jian’s group from the...
Braving bloodsucking leeches and the blazing Malaysian sun, four volunteers trudge along the heavily...
Drone photo of Khaltaryn Balgas (MA21). Credit: Journal of Field Archaeology (2023). DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2023.2295198...
Galaxy M33 (Triangulum Galaxy) as seen by Hubble Space Telescope. JWST was used recently...
Global efforts to slow a runaway climate catastrophe may have reached a critical milestone...
Sample of images from the COCO dataset (row 1) and from assorted agricultural datasets...
Researchers successfully utilize cyanobacterial biomass as a novel feedstock in a cutting-edge P. pastoris...
Schematic image of NK cell-engaging nanodrones (NKeNDs). Credit: UNIST A study led by Professor...
Achromatic performance of different single lenses and multilayer lenses. (A) Schematic of the designer...